

Leonardo Fernández in Mijas, From 17 July until 17 August 2015.

Homenaje a Cervantes - Leonardo Fernández GonzálezLeonardo, will have a new individual exhibition, in la Casa Museo de la Villa von Mijas.

This exhibition will be opened from July 17 until August 17 2015

Happen, enter and see. It seems that colours, an any day, decided to go for a walk and in a moment, without knowing why, not how, they remainded to pose in the linens of Leonardo – Leonardo Fernández- who belongs to the one whom we speak.

And the water did faucet to itself on a few flowerpot of geraniums and the sensual, tasty, exuberant fruits, they were competing in colour with the blue of the table, and then, the transparence of the water was a jet of life and grace – the God’s Grace- on the luffing of mud and the plate of ceramics… and the bunches of grapes that it would not be already Christ’s blood…

And they came, all the colours blue, celestial, white, yellow…, to the appointment dressed in mother-of-pearl and conches with the fund sea; as sirens that left the ship. Ulises’s ship? No. A ship in the bay, a ship of the sea that Mijas sees faces like a blue carpet between the horizons on the sky.

And they lined up in a line of white clouds like sleep steams so that the angels play the secret storage when they go out of playtime. And, then and sees that it admires and meditates: dream, dream what he wants because before these pictures the admiration, the surprise fits…, and they daydream.

Leonardo is the painter of the exquisite thing; of every day, of that that by force of seeing it is part of our life, of the daily chore: the courtyard, the flowerpot of ceramics, the kitchen tools. Its inn competes with the reality or with our bread of every day.

A faithful continuator, perhaps –and without perhaps- the last living painter who continues the way marked by the Of Malaga School of the XIXth. His work is as if, across the time the survival of the painting had extended of Ferrándiz, Denis Belgrano, Muñoz Degrain, Blanco Coris, José Gatner, Simonet, Martinez de la Vega, Ocón…

Leonardo captures in his linens every thin sacred that we extract in procession along the streets of Málaga. Way of the Cross, cartels, linens… and, between all, the Official Cartel of the Holy Week of Málaga as a prayer to say for the street its Cristo del Rescate.

Leonardo is, also, the painter of the things of the people, of the flat people. He comes to Mijas with the full successes saddle-bags in Barcelona, Lleida, Tarragona, Granada, Castellón, Saragossa…His linens are milestone and meetings points in many places of the geography of Spain. Happen, enter and see. That you enjoy it.


José Morales García

Esta entrada tiene 8 Comentarios

  1. Antonio Serrano Santos says:

    Pienso ir a ver tu exposición con mi hija Chari y mi cuñada que también pintan. En la catedral de Málaga hay algunos cuadros de obispos pintados por mi cuñada. pero autodidactas. Ya recordarás tu ofrecimiento para aconsejar a mi hija, aunque ella se defiende muy bien, sobre todo en retratos. A la inauguración no podremos porque ella llega a Málaga el 21. Mi admiración por tu obra no tiene límites así como por tu bondad personal, desde que nos conocimos en el periódico digital de Paco Rengel,q.e.p.d., y por mi cuñado y amigo tuyo, Miguel Angel. Nos veremos, si Dios quiere, en esa exposición y, además, para darte un abrazo.

  2. María José says:

    Hola Leonardo, aún no he tenido la oportunidad de acudir a ver ninguna exposición tuya pero a esta de Mijas espero poder pasarme y ver las obras, un beso

  3. Jose says:

    Una grandísima exposición en la línea de maestría, dominio del color y de la técnica, sensibilidad y colorido con que nos tiene acostumbrado… Un abrazo, Maestro.

  4. He tenido la oportunidad de visitar la exposicion, absolutamente marvillosa, a punto estuve de tomarme un vaso de agua de esos grifos… Y las caras de los niños?? Sinceramente, sin palabras. Enhorabuena!

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